Travis sporting the camo jersey

Travis in warm-ups with his camo jersey

Travis before a game

Go Travis!

Hey Travis, you like the new jerseys?

Someone caught Travis' attention

Travis wearing those crazy lookin camo jerseys!

Scott in his camo jersey!

Shot of Travis' camo jersey

Travis resting

Travis skating to his goal

Travis getting his net cleaned out by a teammate

Cleaning out the goal

Travis in warm-ups in Hartford

Travis showing off in Hartford

Your best shot can't get past Scotty

Patty D in net and Travis in the background

Travis resting before the big game

Travis standing in the background

What a stop!

Travis focusing on the play

Travis cutting off the angel

Watching the play develop

Warming up before the Wolfpack game

Tired from warm-ups

Watching the play

Your best won't get past Travis

Going down to make the stop

Staying busy in the net

Are we done yet?

Picture of Travis in the Hartford Courant

Thanks goes out to Jessica for taking the pictures of Travis in his camouflage jersey and to my mom for taking pictures of Travis in warm-ups in Hartford, Connecticut.


                                                                        Date this page was last edited-8/15/05