Travis in warmups at Verizon

Travis during practice at the Rinks of Exeter

Travis looking on while his teammates fight

Travis taking warm-up shots at Verizon

Travis posing while in net

Travis trying to see the puck through a Portland Pirate

Travis ready to make a save against Worcester

Travis in that ready position!

Travis ready to stop anything from any angle

Nothing will get past Scott

Travis with his game face on

Kip Brennan (L), Joe Corvo (middle), and Travis (R) during a faceoff

Travis ready to cut the angle off

Travis showing off his skills

Travis looking up

Travis looking around in warm-ups

Travis diving to stop the puck against the Hartford Wolfpack

Travis fighting for position against the Wolfpack

Travis going all out in the all-star game

Team Canada's team photo

The scoreboard at the end of the all-star game

Travis getting ready for Scott Meyer

Who's going to get the 1st punch in?

Travis pounding away at Scott Meyer

Scuffle around Travis



Date this page was last edited-9/5/03